Small wastewater treatment plants for commercial wastewater

For a secure future

Each planning of a small wastewater treatment plant requires a specific consideration and an individual, project-related solution approach. The plant must be operated with a high cleaning performance in an energy-efficient, sustainable and future-proof manner.

We offer a variety of solutions also for your application.



Small wastewater treatment plants for hotels and restaurants

Batchpur designs wastewater treatment plants for hotels and restaurants. In over 20 years our team of engineers and chemists has gained a lot of experience. All solutions are on a technically high efficient standard and therefore the perfect choice for your project.

Each hotel produces a specific wastewater, which requires an individual solution in terms of quantity and composition. Adapted solutions are also required in terms of peak/off-peak season, quiet and rush hours.

The selection of suitable compressors helps to reduce noise emissions; location and good ventilation are necessary to avoid odor emissions. Your guests will be thankful.

Incorrectly designed or built wastewater treatment plants lead to water pollution and odor nuisance. This can lead to great damage. Therefore, it is important to choose a well-engineered wastewater treatment system to ensure optimal operation. As Batchpur, we offer you the right solution. In many tests according to the European standard EN 12566 we could prove the highly efficient cleaning and the energy-efficient operation of our treatment systems.

Small-scale domestic wastewater treatment plants for sports and recreation facilities

Batchpur designs wastewater treatment plants for the treatment of wastewater from sports and recreational facilities. With over 20 years of experience in the field of wastewater treatment, our team of engineers and chemists naturally has the necessary qualifications to meet the requirements. All solutions are of a technically highly efficient standard, making them the ideal choice for your project.

Every object has a wastewater that requires an individual solution in terms of quantity and composition. Especially for sports and recreation facilities, no continuous wastewater generation is to be expected; rather, the operation of sports and recreation facilities causes a wastewater generation that generates shock loads. In addition, requirements for the equalization / buffering of the wastewater must often be met. Here we have the suitable solution for you. 

Incorrectly designed or built / maintained wastewater treatment plants lead to water pollution and odor nuisance. This can lead to great damage. Therefore, it is important to choose a well-engineered wastewater treatment system to ensure optimal operation. We offer you as batchpur the ideal solution for your project. In many tests according to the European standard EN 12566 we could prove the highly efficient cleaning and the energy-efficient operation of our treatment systems.

Small wastewater treatment plants for nursing and retirement homes

Batchpur small wastewater treatment plants are designed and specialized for the treatment of domestic wastewater. Domestic wastewater with a good biodegradability from nursing or retirement homes can be treated with our wastewater treatment plants.

In the run-up to the design, it makes sense to examine the wastewater to be treated or to discuss the issue of biodegradability in order to be able to achieve correspondingly good results in the operation of the wastewater treatment plant. 

For the area of nursing and old people's homes we have developed the C4C technology. This is used to eliminate drug residues or biologically non-biodegradable substances from wastewater. The C4C module was tested in accordance with European standard 12566 at the accredited test facility of RWTH Aachen. The overall system achieved an elimination performance of 90 %. That is outstanding.

The wastewater treatment systems are modular in design and can therefore be adapted or expanded to handle an increased volume of wastewater if necessary. This also safeguards the investment.

Small wastewater treatment plants for settlements and villages

Batchpur small wastewater treatment plants are very suitable for the treatment of wastewater from settlements and small towns. Whether it is a plant for 100 or 500 people, we design the appropriate system. 

Decentralized wastewater treatment is facing new challenges. Based on the development of the last 30 years, it can be assumed that the requirements for wastewater disposal will increase worldwide. This is of course also in the context of the demands for climate protection and energy efficiency. This requires solutions that go beyond the application of standard technologies.

With over 20 years of experience, we offer a solution for every individual wastewater problem. Of course, the technical components we use have a long service life. The systems regulate themselves independently according to the amount of wastewater. We can ensure this by a patented technology. In combination with online monitoring, the plant can be monitored remotely. This reduces the cost of servicing the plant.

Our concept for plants > 50 PE was tested on an accredited test field. There, we were able to demonstrate outstanding cleaning performance with the Aero system in a plant for 60 PE. This provides security for the investment decision.

Our systems are in use all over the world. They are the best choice when trouble-free, quiet and low-maintenance operation is required.

Our systems are modular in design and can therefore be adapted to increased wastewater volumes if necessary. This also safeguards the investment.

From our point of view, it is also necessary to consider possible future purification requirements when choosing a system. Our systems can be flexibly upgraded by installing additional cleaning stages. We have extended cleaning levels for nitrogen and phosphate elimination, disinfection or the elimination of micropollutants. These additional modules can be used up to 1500 PE. This gives you the security that our system is also optimally equipped for the future.

Small wastewater treatment plants for individual projects

Your project was not listed?

Of course we also design solutions for:

  • Farms
  • Construction sites/worker camps
  • Temporary wastewater treatment plants
  • Refugee camps
  • Hotels
  • Festival areas
  • Dairies
  • Breweries

Each wastewater treatment plant requires a specific consideration and an individual, project-related solution approach. The plant must be operated in an energy-efficient manner with a high cleaning performance.

Compliance with current cleaning requirements is just as crucial as consideration of future cleaning requirements. 

Our team of specialists (engineers, chemists) will also find a solution for your individual project. And if the rare case arises that we cannot find the solution through our product portfolio, we have partners with whom we cooperate in such cases. We will help you in any case. Please contact us.
